Biden and Palin

October 4, 2008

Well Palin suceeded, she didn’t fall on her face. She only had one incoherent ramble when asked about nuclear weapons. The sad thing is that the only thing she had to do to be sucessful was to not fall on her face. She basically still talked in sound bites and platitudes. There was no real substance in her answers.

Biden did very well and he focused on McCain and tying him to Bush. He really brought home the failures of the Republican administration and spoke to there differences.

A New Level of Vindictiveness and Greed

September 30, 2008

The Republicans like to pretend that they voted down the Bail-out bill to protect your freedoms, yes your freedom to go broke through no fault of your own.  The truth is all they are doing is listening to their vindictive, greedy constituents so that they can get re-elected.  You hear it when they are interviewed with statements such as “let Wall St. suffer”, ” we shouldn’t be bailing out Wall St. fat cats”, and “why should my neighbor next door be bailed out because he bought a house he can’t afford and I’m not getting anything”.

To top it off now you have John McCain  shooting off his big angry mouth, talking about being bipartisan and at the same time blaming Obama for the the failure.  The failure lies directly at the feet of the Republican Party, the Republican Administration, and while we’re at it the great Republican senator who “suspended his campaign” to rush to Washington to help broker a deal.  It doesn’t look like his leadership worked.  Its not surprising because “the maverick” has pissed so many off in his own party, now he’s pissing off Democrats, its very clear if he was to win it would be a very dysfunctional relationship between a house (no matter who controls it) and a McCain administration.

This should also be a wake-up call to business that the Republican aren’t your friend, not matter what they say.  They just hung everyone out to dry for their own political gain.


Answers to the questions above:

1. Why we shouldn’t “let Wall St. suffer”?

No matter what you think not bailing out the financial institutions which are responsible for ensuring the free flow of credit to businesses and individuals is essential for the function of our economy.  Companies, jobs, peoples life savings and insurance depend on the free flow of credit.  By not passing this legislation its not going to make Wall St. suffer, it’s going to make everyone suffer.  

2. Why we aren’t bailing out ” Wall St. fat cats”?

I understand everyones desire to make the CEO’ of these corporations pay, defeating this bill is not the way and this is not the time.  If there was fraud or wrong doing let the FBI, SEC and DOJ investigate and bring those responsible to justice.  What we are doing is bailing out small businesses that need to merchandise on credit, allowing you to get credit to buy a new car and keep people employed, saving mom and pop retirement and ensuring things such as insurance companies remain solvent that provide you with health, life, and car insurance.

3. Why we should bail out your neighbour next door and what’s in it for you? 

Yes your neighbor was stupid and got in over his head, maybe knowingly maybe not, but you didn’t do anything wrong, why should you be punished?  If your neighbors loose their house, it’s not just them who will pay but you too, your property value will go down, maybe your employer will ay you off, maybe those investment you made for your retirement will be worthless.

Silencing of a Candidate or So Much for the Straight Talk Express

September 28, 2008

McCain went on national TV this morning on ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos”, and back peddled a statement that his Vice Presidential candidate made when answering a question while picking up cheesesteak sandwiches in Philadelphia.  He further embarrasses himself by saying that talking and answering questions like that isn’t someone’s stand on the issue.  Personally I feel exchanges like these are when the candidates are expressing what they really think, not what some handler tells them polls better.  

She was asked if the US should go after terrorists inside Pakistan. She answered yes, if that’s where they are we should go get them.  The answer was clear consise and articulate, unfortunately it also is the same answer the opponent Barrack Obama has said and has been ridiculed by John McCain for saying.

By the way John, the Bush administration, whom you agree with on just about everything have been going into Pakistan for a while.

Today Wolf Blitzer on CNN interviewed the new President of Pakistan, Mr. Zardari, whom when asked agreed with  both Obama and Palin.  So really the only one wrong in this case is the person who fancies himself an expert on foreign policy, because he was a prisoner of war don’t you know, John McCain.

I really think the McCain campaign should let Sarah Palin talk, express her views, I’m not a fan of her views, but McCain shouldn’t be trying to hide them either.  The McCain supporters have railed against the unfair criticisms that they say the left main stream media have attacked her with, when really the McCain campaign has hurt her far more substantively by keeping her on this tight leash and stiffling who Sarah Palin really is.  If Sarah’s views differ from that of McCains so be it,  he should either live with it or shouldn’t have picked her if they are not compatible.

I really don’t know where this notion has come from that a vice presidential candidate has to agree with everything the presidential candidate believes.  Look back in history, it is rarely the case.  The only one I can think of is Bush/Cheney, and that’s only because Bush doesn’t have any views until the Cheney and the Hawks tell them to him.

So a few things:

1) McCain shut-up and let your running mate speak, stop being an angry, sexist, old man.  Let the woman speak, she shouldn’t be your pretty little cheerleader.

2) I’m impressed that Sarah Palin went out and picked up her own food, cheesesteaks no less.

3) I’m philosophically opposed to Sarah’s stand on many issue, but hell I’d have a cheesesteak with her any day and enjoy debating the issues with her.

4) If you listen to John McCain’s response on the issue he didn’t say that he wouldn’t go into Pakistan, he just says he wouldn’t tell them.  So he’d rather just lie to his allies and the American people about his intentions.

So much for the straight talk express.

Ps It goes along with his lie to David Letterman too, and his suspending of the campaign (you saw his big ugly mug more than when he was campaigning), starting to see a pattern of lying here.

The Dew is off the Rose

September 28, 2008

Wow, I can’t believe my eyes and ears, watched the Sarah Palin interview with Katie Couric.  I’m glad Sarah has learned all the talking points, but someone should have told her how to use them.

Lets face it that was the most pathetic interview that I have ever seen anyone running for any type of office give.  The church lady running for bazaar president could have given a better interview.  She was incapable of answering a single question.  Somehow she seemed to think that if you string enough talking points together that would satisfy the reporter and they would stop asking questions. 

Q: What’s your position on the bail-out?

A: It makes us sick <snip> it’s about healthcare and jobs.

What is she talking about?

I have foreign policy experience because I live beside Russia and Canada, give me a break. I’m an expert in French culture because I’ve eaten Poutine.  Paul Begala summed it up well, “I can see the moon from my back yard so I’m an astrophysicist”.

If I hear her shrill that she and John McCain are mavericks once more, I think my ears will bleed.  Please tell me when they changed the definition of maverick to stupid.  John McCain is stupid for picking her and well her performance says it all.

She was given a free ride, been coddled and isolated from the press, the McCain campaign thought it was a bright idea to pick a fight with the so called “leftwing” media, now it’s all coming home to roost.  The usual republican talking heads aren’t even coming forward to defend this.

I always watch the debates, but I have to say this is the first time I’ve ever been excited to watch the VP debate.  I’m inviting people over to watch it, I suspect it’s going to be “theater of the absurd”.

McCain said he puts country first, is choosing this hockey mom as the vice presidential candidate, his idea of putting the country first?

Important Word of the Day “Vetting”

September 2, 2008


  investigate (someone) thoroughly, esp. in order to ensure that they are suitable for a job requiring secrecy, loyalty, or trustworthiness each applicant will be vetted by police.

John McCain, maybe next time you should try this before selecting someone whom you barely know to be your running mate.  

The McCain Campaign ran commercials insinuating that Obama and Britney Spears had something in common, well it looks like his running mate has more in common with the Spears clan than Obama does.

Sarah Palin’s 17 year old daughter is pregnant, I wonder how the religious right are going to spin this transgression of the daughter of their darling Vice Presidential candidate.  I wonder what other skeletons are going to come out of the closet from this dynamo with so much executive experience.  Maybe she should of had them teaching sex-ed instead of creationism, or maybe this is an immaculate conception.

This is really has nothing to do with Sarah Palin nor her family,it has more to do with judgement.  John McCain clear has excerised poor judgement in his choice, the man isn’t fit to president.


Heres the score card in the first week (actually it hasn’t been 7 days yet);

1. Accusations that the Palin Family tried to use their influence to have a State trooper fired then dismissed  the Public Safety Commissioner Walter Monegan when he refused.

2. She was once a member of the Alaskan Independence Party.

3. Her 17 year old un-wed daughter is pregnant. (not a big deal but a little hypocritical for a religous right darling).  I thought only social Democrats were capable of such depravity.

I thought only the Democrats could self destruct like this.

At this rate I think the Obama children can start thinking about how they plan on decorating their room in the Whitehouse.

Barack Obama, and Popularity

August 27, 2008

Since when was being popular a bad thing.  The McCain campaign keeps harping on the fact that Obama’s too popular.  This seems to be a Republican trait, they take something that most normal people think is a good thing, and portray it as bad.  I guess this works as it’s the same thing they did with Al Gore, they said he was too smart, so the American people voted for someone who wasn’t too smart.

Then there is the question about whether Obama is ready to be Commander in Chief, that is a fair question, but what made George W. Bush ready for being Commander and Chief, hanging out in the Air National Guard, running a baseball team, running numerous businesses into the ground or being the Governor of Texas?

Who wants a good looking, popular, intelligent, well spoken individual for President?  You’d have to be stupid to vote for someone like that.

Who’s Running For President McCain or His Handlers?

August 23, 2008

Is it just me but it seems pretty obvious, McCain can answer questions when he knows they are coming, such his stand on pro-life at a townhall hosted by Rev. Rick Warren. When asked simple questions out of the blue he can’t answer them, like “how many houses do you own?”.  To me this just shows that he really doesn’t have a clue, and basically everything he says is being fed to him by his handlers.  I’m not that naive to think they all aren’t getting brief and prep’d by their handlers, but come on, not being able to answer how many house you have without getting the answer from someone else.

Exactly how will this work if he becomes President.

McCain to Putin: You have to get out of Georgia

Putin: But Georgia started it.

McCain: Just a second I have to go ask someone.

McCain:No the guy in the corner over there, can’t remember his name, said you started it.  What did I have for breakfast today?