Silencing of a Candidate or So Much for the Straight Talk Express

McCain went on national TV this morning on ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos”, and back peddled a statement that his Vice Presidential candidate made when answering a question while picking up cheesesteak sandwiches in Philadelphia.  He further embarrasses himself by saying that talking and answering questions like that isn’t someone’s stand on the issue.  Personally I feel exchanges like these are when the candidates are expressing what they really think, not what some handler tells them polls better.  

She was asked if the US should go after terrorists inside Pakistan. She answered yes, if that’s where they are we should go get them.  The answer was clear consise and articulate, unfortunately it also is the same answer the opponent Barrack Obama has said and has been ridiculed by John McCain for saying.

By the way John, the Bush administration, whom you agree with on just about everything have been going into Pakistan for a while.

Today Wolf Blitzer on CNN interviewed the new President of Pakistan, Mr. Zardari, whom when asked agreed with  both Obama and Palin.  So really the only one wrong in this case is the person who fancies himself an expert on foreign policy, because he was a prisoner of war don’t you know, John McCain.

I really think the McCain campaign should let Sarah Palin talk, express her views, I’m not a fan of her views, but McCain shouldn’t be trying to hide them either.  The McCain supporters have railed against the unfair criticisms that they say the left main stream media have attacked her with, when really the McCain campaign has hurt her far more substantively by keeping her on this tight leash and stiffling who Sarah Palin really is.  If Sarah’s views differ from that of McCains so be it,  he should either live with it or shouldn’t have picked her if they are not compatible.

I really don’t know where this notion has come from that a vice presidential candidate has to agree with everything the presidential candidate believes.  Look back in history, it is rarely the case.  The only one I can think of is Bush/Cheney, and that’s only because Bush doesn’t have any views until the Cheney and the Hawks tell them to him.

So a few things:

1) McCain shut-up and let your running mate speak, stop being an angry, sexist, old man.  Let the woman speak, she shouldn’t be your pretty little cheerleader.

2) I’m impressed that Sarah Palin went out and picked up her own food, cheesesteaks no less.

3) I’m philosophically opposed to Sarah’s stand on many issue, but hell I’d have a cheesesteak with her any day and enjoy debating the issues with her.

4) If you listen to John McCain’s response on the issue he didn’t say that he wouldn’t go into Pakistan, he just says he wouldn’t tell them.  So he’d rather just lie to his allies and the American people about his intentions.

So much for the straight talk express.

Ps It goes along with his lie to David Letterman too, and his suspending of the campaign (you saw his big ugly mug more than when he was campaigning), starting to see a pattern of lying here.

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