All Three Leaders Should Resign

December 5, 2008

Now that the Governor General, Michaëlle Jean has prorogued parliament the leaders should take this time to reflect and hopefully resign, none are fit to represent the Canadian people.

It’s very apparent that this whole political crisis that has been created in the midst of this global financial meltdown is nothing more than political infighting and the furtherance of individuals political careers. Mr. Harper, Mr. Dion and Mr. Layton, have disregarded what is best for this country to further either themselves or their personal vendettas.  The only leader that has stayed true is Gilles Duceppe, who basically is looking after the interests of Quebec at the expense of Canada’s but that was his mandate.

Mr. Dion was the architect of one of the largest Liberal defeats, after the election it became apparent he was solely responsible, would not take advice or listen to anyone.  The Party, rightly so, basically forced his resignation.  The party found him lacking to lead, now these same party members are asking the Canadian public to allow him to be their leader.  The election did not provide a majority government but it was very clear that the Canadian voters rejected Stephane Dion as leader of this country.  During the campaign Mr. Dion clearly stated that he would never form a coalition with the NDP, further stating that their economic policies would hurt the country.  Here we are on the eve of Stephane Dion asking to be the Prime Minister of this country after forging a coalition with the very party that he said would be dangerous for the economy of this country.  Fellow Liberal’s such as Dalton McGuinty, the Premier of Ontario, do not back this coup saying “The political uncertainty in Ottawa with opposition parties forming a coalition to try to topple the minority Conservative government is not helpful in the current economic crisis” and “he has warned Dion not to look for support for his coalition with the NDP from the Ontario government.”  The time has come Mr. Dion do the right thing and step down now.

Jack Layton is nothing but drunk on the thought of getting some power.  This man is actually going to have a large say, 6 cabinet seat to start.  This despite only receiving 18% of the popular vote and holding only 37 seats.  The NDP has never even come close to being elected to form a government.  Jack Layton was the architect behind this coup, it was obvious that he had no intention of working with the conservatives.  Since the election he has been the busy little beaver hatching this scheme with the Quebec separatist party The Bloc.  Jack Layton is looking out for himself, like Jack has always done since serving in on the Toronto City Council.  Jack step aside let someone who can put their country first above their own aspirations.

Stephen Harper, unfortunately played petty politics, by trying to lay the financial crisis at the feat of federal workers and removing their right to strike, no other industry can address their financial difficulties by passing legislation against it’s workers, neither should the government. Then he had to go a take away the public election funding, it maybe the right thing to do but it was definitely at the wrong time.  Stephen Harper squandered his sizable lead going into the election with many silly partisan decision that really had little to no effect on the economy but had drastic consequences on the election.  He didn’t rain in Jim Flaherty, with his stupid comments regarding Ontario.  Stephen Harper had he makings of a majority but he blew it, then he blew the stronger minority that he was give, step aside let someone else lead who doesn’t have your baggage.

All one has to do is look at what this has done to the Canadian market, we have now had our 4th straight day of losses.  Thanks guys, that money that is being lost while you bicker, belongs to tax payers, it’s jobs and it’s retirements.